Greetings to all!
I just came back from my holiday back in Sabah. They called it the Land Below The Wind. I don't really know the reason behind it..Hmm..should have do more research on it!lol
A view from the top
Sabah is much more developed now. This trip proved me wrong! Sabah was so developed. I might even say it is better than Ipoh in certain ways. There are shopping malls all around. Well, that was not my attraction there of course. Anyway, one might find some similarity with the development in KL. For eg. One Borneo was from the same developer as One Utama! No wonder the design and concept were so alike!
Talking bout food...Yummy! You should try the seafood there! I ate crab, fish and so forth! Wow...delicious! Tender, juicy and sweet! Oh.someone please wipe my saliva! Hehe. I am totally fascinated with a place called Kampung Nelayan. This place not only serves good food but good service as well. I would say an excellent service. Friendly and observant! Imagine they know exactly what you want even before you thought of asking! Wasn't that cool?! They even have cultural performances srarting from 745pm. You wouldn't want to miss it!
Best Crab I ever had
The best of all was the island in Sabah. I went snorkeling in Pulau Mamutik and Manukan! Wow..amazing! There were fishes swimming around you. Everything is so real. Don't forget to feed the fish there. They were real hungry! You won't regret me!
Well,.thumbs up for MAS too! At least won't starve in the plane! Hehe
That's all for now! See you guys!